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Reflections & Co.


Peter Weir's classic film about Australians in World War One.
The 1981 film Gallipoli remains one of the best movies about war ever made. I refrain from calling it a "war movie," since it is far more than that. It is a captivating, wrenching movie about the ideals of war, the experience of war, and the utter horror of war.
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The Best Years of Our Lives

a homecoming
William Wyler's 1946 film about men returning home from World War II and the difficulty of life on the American homefront post-conflict is an amazing study of war's effects.

Wyler's 1942 classic, Mrs. Miniver, documented British life on the homefront during the war, and chronicled the sacrifices of one family during the Blitz. The film's moving  Read More 
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