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Reflections & Co.

Paul Fussell (1924-2012), rest in peace

Paul Fussell, influential scholar and writer, died Wednesday, May 23, 2012. His book, The Great War and Modern Memory, did much to shape a generation of scholars and bravely asked readers to see war in its true dimensions. Among his many other influential works about war were: Doing Battle - The Making of a Skeptic (1996), a  Read More 
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Light at the End

General William C. Westmoreland, commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam from 1964 to 1968, with President Lyndon Johnson, c. 1968. Westmoreland often used the phrase "light at the end of the tunnel" to indicate that soon the U.S. would gain the upper hand in the war.
"As we emerge from a decade of conflict abroad and economic crisis at home," President Obama said in his speech from Afghanistan on May 1, 2012, "it is time to renew America."

What sounded eerily like a campaign speech was an effort to condense the complexity and crisis of the United States' decade-long occupation of a  Read More 
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